Raffle Permit

No person, firm, organization or corporation shall conduct a raffle within the city without first having obtained a license therefor pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 110 of the City Code.

What is a raffle?
A form of lottery defined in Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 38, § 28-2(b), in which the player pays or agrees to pay something of value for a chance represented and differentiated by a number or a combination of numbers or by some other medium, one or more of which chances is to be designated the winning chance and in which the winning chance is to be determined through a drawing or some other method based on an element of chance by an act or set of acts on the part of persons conducting or connected with the lottery; except that, the winning chance shall not be determined by the outcome of a sporting contest.

Who is eligible?
Licenses shall be issued only to bona fide religious, charitable, labor, fraternal, educational or veterans organizations that operate without profit to their members and which have been in existence continually within the city for a period of five years immediately before making application for a license and which have had, during that entire five-year period, a bona fide membership engaged in carrying out their objects.

Raffle License Application

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