Voter's Information

flag day (2)

Where Do I Vote?
Lookup your address to find voting information in the Community Portal.

Voter Registration

Voter registration is available at City Hall, 220 E. Deerpath or the Lake County Clerk's Office.  You can also register online, by mail, during Early Voting, or on Election Day. 

Voting OptionsVoting by mail, early or on Election Day allows you to choose the option that best suits your busy schedule and lifestyle.  Click here for more information.

Voter PowerRegistered voters can log onto to find one-click personalized voting information:

  • Confirm you are registered with current name and address
  • Print your personalized sample ballot prior to Election Day
  • Submit the required application to receive a ballot by mail
  • Track Clerk's receipt of your ballot, if voting by mail
  • Find your assigned Election Day and all Early Voting site locations, including driving directions and map
  • Find your current representative districts and elected officials

Municipal ElectionsThe City of Lake Forest operates under a special charter granted by the State Legislature on February 21, 1861, the date of the City's incorporation.  The charter calls for annual City elections, and the term of office for Mayor and Aldermen are two years.  Two Aldermen represent each of the City's four wards, and one Alderman from each ward is elected every year.

Calendar and Type of Elections

New Election Laws in Illinois

Even-Numbered Years:

General Primary Election -
Nominees for Federal, State, Legislative, Judicial, County, and North Shore Sanitary District
Election of Precinct Committeemen and Lake Forest Municipal candidates and referenda.

General Election - 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November.
Federal, State, Legislative, Judicial, County, NSSD candidates and referenda.

Odd-Numbered Years:

Consolidated Election -
Municipal, Township, Park, and Library Districts.
Schools, Colleges, other special purpose district candidates and referenda.
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