Speed Bumps

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Speed bumps

The City of Lake Forest often receives requests for installing speed bumps, mainly in residential areas, as a way to slow traffic. Speed bumps are not recognized by the State of Illinois as an official traffic control device. As such, the City of Lake Forest does not use them on public streets. Currently, the City does not install speed bumps/humps on public streets for the following reasons:

  • Installation and maintenance costs
  • Emergency response delays
  • Detrimental effects to patients during emergency medical response services (EMS) transport
  • Effect on stormwater drainage
  • Effects on snow removal
  • Diversion of traffic to adjacent streets
  • Acceleration/deceleration noise is generated because of speed bumps.

We encourage neighbors concerned about speeding in their area to work in groups to combat the problem. You can make a difference by driving 25 miles per hour or less in residential areas and avoiding using local streets as shortcuts.

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