The NEW Winter Dialogue Newsletter

The winter edition of The Dialogue newsletter will arrive in your mailbox the week of Nov. 8! Here's a special video message from Mayor George Pandaleon introducing the redesigned Dialogue.

When the winter edition of The Dialogue arrives in your mailbox, you may notice it looks different from the old Dialogue. That’s because it is. We’ve taken the City newsletter that’s been around for years, refreshed it, made it more engaging, and more of a conversation with our community.

On the cover it says “Good things happen when you open up The Dialogue.” And it’s true. When we engage in meaningful dialogue, we are able to better see things from another’s perspective, share new ideas, and accept and bridge our differences. 

The Dialogue will arrive in residents mailboxes the week of Nov. 8. Can’t wait to read it? View The Dialogue online.

In the spirit of a true dialogue, we want to hear from you! After you have a chance to look through the newsletter, please take our quick survey to let us know what you think.

Stay Informed!